6 Traits of a sound commercial flooring contractor

In this article, we examine the key factors you can use to differentiate contractors that can add value to your flooring installation.

1. A good set of ears and greatest-value flooring solutions

The first key trait of a quality commercial flooring contractor is having the ability to provide the right solutions for your needs. That starts with a good set of ears and intent listening to ascertain all key information and learn your vision. No two projects are the same, so your contractor must truly gain a sense for what’s needed. Then, with that understanding in mind, your contractor must be able to pull from a complete selection of materials to make your vision a reality.

But it’s not enough to simply have solutions. You should receive objective and unbiased guidance on selecting the right flooring. Your contractor should have the ability to act as a single-source consultant and provide pricing on a range of materials.

And part of understanding your needs is understanding your timeline. Flooring contractors are often the last company to touch a project before it’s complete. You’ll want a partner who is able to show a track record of delivering on-time — unfortunately, it’s not a given for every contractor.

2. A firm financial base

Partnering with a flooring contractor that has strong financial backing is an absolute must for any sizable project. It means your contractor can invest in your project and not be slowed down due to cash-flow needs.

You want a company that’s not worried about banking, credit or insurance. Instead, you will benefit from selecting a company that can dedicate time to job sites, training and coaching associates and focus on the flooring trade, products and solutions.

If you ask, your contractor should be able to show you proof. One metric is bonding capacity, which is similar to insurance. It provides financial backing to assure owners of a contractor’s ability to deliver a project. At Spectra Contract Flooring, we have full financial flexibility.

What to look for when evaluating flooring bids — and what to avoid

Incomplete flooring bids with a flashy number at the bottom may be tempting, but can lead to frequent change orders and over-budget projects. Learn how to evaluate bids and set projects up for success.

Download our guide

3. Complete pricing

You’ll want a flooring contractor that provides full and accurate cost estimates. Remember, you don’t just pay the cost of your flooring materials and labor for installation. Testing, risk reduction and Life Cycle Costing hold just as much importance in determining the price of your floor. A low bid may not actually be so low once you factor in other costs.

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4. Risk reduction and quality control measures

Quality contractors have procedures in place for testing. This is a must. Your contractor should identify any issue, such as moisture mitigation and adhesives, that will cause complications down the road. And your contractor should have the ability to minimize risk in a project and fully educate you on all testing. Strict quality standards and adherence to manufacturer guidelines are crucial.

5. Green flooring experience

In today’s environment, it’s key to work with a contractor that can deliver sustainably and source environmentally friendly materials. The green standards for many projects are set by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The greenest projects are LEED Certified, so you’ll want a contractor that has experience with LEED projects.

6. Strong safety track record

Last, but certainly not least, any sound contractor will have a strong, demonstrated safety record. Among other things, that means having an Emergency Modification Rate (EMR) of less than 1.0. The EMR metric shows how often workers’ compensation claims are filed against a contractor. Another key measure is OSHA’s DART metric, which stands for “days away, restricted or transferred.” It refers to the amount of employee time missed due to workplace injuries. Last, you’ll want personnel on your job site who have specialty safety training. At Spectra Contract Flooring, we have an EMR of less than 1.0, and we proudly employ OSHA 30 qualified personnel and OSHA 10 qualified personnel. Ours is a highly trained, safe team.

But why does safety matter for you? Peace of mind, for one. But also, the price you pay for flooring installation is directly affected by the insurance premiums your contractor pays. And the better your partner’s safety credentials, the more favorable their premiums, and the better the price you’ll pay.

Learn how to maximize your flooring value

We’ve published a to-the-point guide that shows you how to reduce your flooring installation costs and highlights the value a quality commercial flooring contractor should add to your project. Fill out the form below to download A Buyer’s Guide to Flooring Contractors.

A buyer’s guide to commercial flooring

How to get the greatest-value floor and select the right contractor for your project.